ASX Price $70.87 3.76%

Our Success in Rehabilitation for FY18

We are committed to rehabilitation practices and long term sustainability throughout Western Australia.

In FY18, we have undertaken some significant successful rehabilitation work including:

  • Two evaporation ponds that were contaminated were recently rehabilitated in the Perth Basin. The work included extensive water and soil sampling to ensure all contaminated material was removed and disposed of correctly and works were undertaken in close consultation with regulatory bodies
  • Rehabilitation work has been initiated on the Poondano Iron Ore mine, and exploration rehabilitation was completed on Poondano, Phils Creek, Lamb Creek and Carina, resulting in the relinquishment of bonds held by the State Government to the value of $120,000
  • Progressive rehabilitation of 430 hectares of the total 2,315 hectares disturbed at Koolyanobbing and 152 hectares of the total 1,132 hectares disturbed at Carina.

We were also involved in a number of initiatives during the year to contribute towards improved rehabilitation practices and outcomes:

  • We were one of the founding members of an Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Mine Site Restoration (CSMR). The CSMR’s focus is on improved mining rehabilitation outcomes through the creation of a multidisciplinary, integrated training centre that complements proponents’ existing capacity in restoration research.
  • We are a member of the Pilbara Rehabilitation Group (PRG), supporting the improvement of rehabilitation practices throughout the Pilbara region of Western Australia.