ASX Price $70.87 3.76%


Please take the time to read through the information below to ensure your mobilisation happens quickly and smoothly.


Rio Tinto Mandatory requirements:

The candidate must register by clicking SIGN UP if they do not have a profile, then selecting the (are you a contractor button) via the Rio Tinto Weipa Contractor Portal, the company registered is CSI Pty Ltd and the candidate must hold a valid USI at the registration stage (if they do not have one, they can click Get your USI first)


  • Once the profile is created, they will need to log in and complete the Contractor induction, this is in the My Courses section. at the end of the induction, they will need to print / save as PDF a copy of the induction card. (Must be supplied to MinRes via +Process workflow)

The below items must be supplied to MinRes at the time of mobilisation:

The below must be held on file MinRes reserves the right to request a copy at anytime:

A full PEM medical should be held on file valid 12 months from completion.

The Medical should have the below components:

  • Pre-Employment Medical Assessment
  • Standard Audiometry
  • Musculoskeletal Assessment
  • Spirometry test
  • Respiratory questionnaire (results to be provided to MinRes)
  • MMQ Respiratory Health Surveillance (inc ILO Chest XRay) -if previous X-ray is over 5 years old**Specialist follow-up tests if required. (results to be provided to MinRes)
  • Instant / Lab Drug & Alcohol Screen (less than 14 days old) – by an accredited medical provider (results to be provided to MinRes)



Once you’re ready to submit your mobilisation, make sure you have all the required documents (filled out) on hand:

1. Log in to our INX+ Process System – submit your details and site entry requirements.
2. Your mobilisation will then be in the system for processing, and you’ll receive communication from the system with the status of your mobilisation once in progress.
3. Once all requirements have been met, your mobilisation is confirmed, and you’ll receive confirmation from our Mobilisations team.