Mineral Resources (MinRes) is proud to partner with The Y WA for the fifth annual Inside Our Minds campaign, a powerful short film series that showcases young people sharing their lived experiences of mental health.
A different video will be released each day on social media to mark Mental Health Week, as well as playing on big screens at the Northbridge Piazza, in Yagan Square and at Curtin University.

Inside Our Minds was started five years ago by MinRes People Advisor Martin Johnson when he was at The Y WA (formerly YMCA WA), one of Australia’s largest youth organisations.
Martin, who remains a volunteer managing the project, said he hoped the videos would inspire other young people to speak up about their own mental health journey and seek support.
“I’m filled with a profound sense of gratitude to be standing up here amongst all of my peers who have been with me along this journey,” Martin said at Monday’s launch event in Perth.
“The young people who trust us every single year to share their vulnerabilities, their stories and their backgrounds to help others are truly amazing.”

The Y WA Chief Executive Officer Dr Tim McDonald said this year’s videos revisit participants from previous years, sharing their progress and challenges since they last told their stories on camera.
“It’s a testament to the impact of this initiative that these young people have graciously chosen to share their experiences again, allowing us to understand the long-term impact of our collective efforts. Giving them this voice offers them power in a world they will inherit,” he said.
MinRes has partnered with the Y WA to support the video series since 2021. In addition to financial support, MinRes provides a media studio and a technician at its headquarters to film the series.
MinRes Psychologist and Head of Mental Health Chris Harris said the company recognised the importance of encouraging open conversations and breaking down the stigma surrounding mental health.
“At MinRes we know that mental health is just as important as physical health and we have introduced a range of programs to encourage a workplace culture where mental health is spoken about openly and support is easily accessible,” Chris said.
“We’re proud to join forces with organisations like the Y WA to encourage open conversations about mental health in the wider community and provide vital resources to Western Australians in need.”

View the entire Inside Our Minds video series here, including the original videos from 2023 participants: https://www.ymcawa.org.au/media/inside-our-minds
If you are experiencing an emotional crisis and require urgent support, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14. If you or anyone you know is experiencing mental health issues the Y suggest contacting Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636.