MIN | $35.09 (-0.68%)
MIN | $35.09 (-0.68%)

Ethics and integrity

We believe consistent and proper business conduct creates loyalty and trust with our stakeholders and are committed to promoting a culture of ethical corporate behaviour.

Mineral Resources Image
polices reviewed and updated (FY24)
Code of Conduct training completion (FY24)
fines or sanctions for non-compliance (FY24)

Our approach

We are committed to promoting a culture of ethical corporate behaviour and expect all employees to understand and comply with MinRes policies, applicable laws and the principles outlined in our Code of Conduct and Business Integrity.

We have procedures and processes in place to take immediate action when we identify conduct that breaches or falls below our standards.

In addition, we have high expectations of our supply chain as evidenced in our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Refer to our Corporate Governance page for more information on our policies and commitments.

Risk management

Our Enterprise Risk Management Policy outlines our expectations for the formal management of risk.

  • Identifying, assessing, monitoring and reporting risks to provide management and the Board with the assurance that risks are being identified and managed.
  • Consistently apply risk management processes across all stakeholder engagement.
  • Foster leadership and promote a good risk culture through proper engagement, information sharing and training across the business.
  • Implement processes for crisis management and business continuity planning that enable us to effectively respond to material risk events.
  • Assure the effectiveness of systems and controls through appropriate assurance mechanisms.


We have set out our approach to privacy in compliance with the Federal Government's Australian Privacy Principles.

Refer to our Privacy Policy for further information.

Mineral Resources Image

Business ethics

We have developed a set of core policies, procedures and internal controls to assist the MinRes in complying with our legal and regulatory obligations and aims to meet the highest standards of corporate conduct.

Our Code of Conduct, Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy, and Whistleblower Policy outline our shared values and set out the standard of expected behaviours.

Our Whistleblower Policy and procedure aim to promote a workplace in which people feel safe, supported and encouraged to speak up about improper conduct.

We are committed to taking action to address substantiated issues, including discipline, training and implementation of enhanced policies and controls.


Our Information Technology team has adopted a risk-based security approach using the National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework and ISA/IEC 62443 for operational technology security.

Some of the measures we have in place to protect against cybersecurity risks include:

  • regular review of our cybersecurity risks, controls, and treatment plans​
  • quarterly cybersecurity reporting to our Board-level Audit and Risk Committee​
  • cybersecurity awareness training​
  • strong password policies​
  • regular system patching and vulnerability scanning​
  • multi-factor authentication for internet facing applications​
  • cybersecurity assessments of technology vendors​
  • encryption of laptops and mobile devices​
  • regular backups, including off-site capabilities.

We are committed to ensuring that our supply chains are managed in accordance with all regulatory requirements. We expect all our contractors, suppliers, and business partners to conduct business a fair and honest manner across all aspects of their business as outlined in our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Key aspects of our sanctions framework include:

  • Due diligence processes to identify and assess sanctions risk, with enhanced due diligence protocols applied in incidences where a higher sanctions risk is identified.
  • Initial, ongoing, and ad hoc sanctions screening is conducted with all suppliers.
  • Commitment to exercise due care in any transaction with an individual or entity that is owned or controlled by, or acting on behalf of, persons or entities that are ‘designated’ under sanctions laws.
Security force

We are committed to ensuring security management at all operations is conducted in line with the protection of human rights while protecting employees, contractors, equipment and facilities.

To decrease risk at all our operations, we contract private security providers and ensure they operate consistently with the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR).

The VPSHR guides providers to uphold human rights, protect the safety and dignity of individuals, and maintain responsible security practices.

Policies and procedures

Code of Conduct and Business Integrity

Our Code of Conduct and Business Integrity defines the way we do business, which is based on our values and represents our commitment to upholding the highest standards of ethics in our business practices.

This key business document outlines our expectation that all employees and contractors behave with fairness, honesty and respect towards others.

Prior to commencing employment with us, all employees are required to complete training on the Code, as well as undertake refresher training each year to ensure they understand their requirements.

The Code covers a range of aspects including our values, unacceptable behaviours, how we work with communities, how to appropriately represent the Compnay, consequences for breaching the Code and where employees can seek assistance.

We prohibit any form of punishment, disciplinary or retaliatory action against anyone for raising or helping to address a business conduct concern.

Failure to comply with the Code is a serious matter that may lead to disciplinary action, including dismissal and/or legal action. Information provided is de-identified and provides complainant type, detail, actions and resolutions.

Refer to our Code of Conduct and Business Integrity for further information.

Discrimination, bullying and harassment

Our stance is that any form of harassment, assault or bullying is completely unacceptable and has no place in any setting, including our workplace.

Our senior leadership team is focused on:

  • Ensuring strong leadership, governance and education on safe and respectful workplace behaviour.
  • Promoting positive workplace relationships that are built on respect.
  • Creating a culture and work environment that supports people from all backgrounds and life experiences.
  • Listening to and learning from the experiences of our people.

We expect all our people to:

  • Treat each other with respect and ensure their behaviours are aligned with our values.
  • Show up for their colleagues, stand up to unacceptable behaviour, speak up to address situations and, if required, listen to and learn from the experiences of others.
Whistleblowing provisions

Our Whistleblower Policy and its supporting Whistleblower Procedure outlines various ways stakeholders can report matters they genuinely believe are in breach of the Code or are illegal.

To better ensure whistleblowers feel safe to come forward, individuals qualify for protection even if their disclosure turns out to be incorrect or if they make the disclosure anonymously.

Reportable conduct may include any conduct that involves:

  • Dishonest, fraudulent, or corrupt activities, including bribery, ‘kickbacks’, money laundering, corruption, secret commissions, conflicts of interest or other unethical conduct.​
  • illegal activity, such as theft, violence, harassment or intimidation, or criminal damage to property.
  • serious impropriety or an improper state of affairs or circumstances.​
  • A breach of the law, including the Corporations Act and the Tax Act.​
  • Improper use or disclosure, including of confidential information.​
  • Endangering health, safety, or environment, including abuse of MinRes property or resources.​
  • Abuse of authority or conflicts of interest.​
  • Conduct that could harm the public or the financial system.​
  • Maladministration, including financial loss, negligence, damage to MinRes’ reputation or any other issue that may be detrimental to MinRes’ interests.​
  • Sanctioned activities, such as importing and exporting goods or dealing with sanctioned individuals and companies.​
  • Detrimental conduct against a Whistleblower (whether actual or threatened).​

We ensure continued accessibility to our independent external whistleblowing service, MinRes Integrity Assist, which is widely communicated to employees and contractors.

We also maintain a secondary internal reporting mechanism, allowing employees to raise and seek resolution to disputes or grievances.

Through this mechanism, reports are subject to internal investigations, with the aim of achieving appropriate and fair resolutions.

Refer to our Whistleblower Policy and Whistleblower Procedure for further information.

Anti-bribery and corruption

Bribery and corruption adversely affect the business environment by undermining legitimate business activities.

As part of our commitment to operating ethically and with integrity in all business activities and stakeholder relationships, we have an Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy.

This policy outlines our expectations in not tolerating bribery or corruption, or any actions that constitute fraud, and encourages employees to speak up and report any concerns internally and/or externally, including through our external whistleblower hotline, MinRes Integrity Assist.

Refer to our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy for more information.

Human rights

We seek to build mutually beneficial relationships and respect the rights of our employees, contractors, members of our local communities and other stakeholders directly impacted by our operations.

We prohibit the use of forced labour which includes child labour, slave labour and human trafficking.

Our Human Rights Policy outlines our commitment and joint responsibility to ensure our business activities respect the rights and dignity of all people.

All employees, contractors, suppliers and other relevant stakeholders are required to comply with the principles outlined in this policy and are encouraged to report any breaches through our internal and external whistleblower mechanisms.

Refer to our Human Rights Policy for more information.

Discover more

See our Corporate Governance page for more information.