Air quality
We are committed to minimising adverse air quality impacts associated with our operations and where possible protect the environment through the efficient use of natural resources.
Our management approach
Across our business, the equipment used to undertake operational activities – such as drilling, blasting, load and haulage and ore processing – generates dust and other air emissions such as exhaust emissions.
Exhaust emissions are the main source of CO, NOX, PM10, PM2.5 and SO2.
The Australian National Environment Protection Measure 1998 requires facilities to report the emission of any of the 93 listed substances.
We report our emissions of listed substances annually to the National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) for facilities that meet the relevant reporting thresholds.
Emissions are estimated using the approaches defined in the NPI Emission Estimation Technique manuals, with calculations undertaken using emission factors.
To manage air emissions at our operations, we implement practical measures to prevent the generation of fugitive dust and to mitigate its adverse impacts on vegetation, soils and local amenity. These measures include the use of water carts in high traffic areas, roads and tracks, the installation of physical barriers and sprinkler systems on transfer points at our crushing, conveying and train, truck, and ship load out facilities, as well as the application of dust suppression additives to roads at our Wodgina and Wonmunna operations.
We utilise dust deposition gauges as required by site-specific regulatory requirements to monitor potential impacts of dust to the environment.
Refer to our 2024 Sustainability Report for additional information on air emission reduction initiatives.
We currently rely on diesel as the primary energy source for our mining equipment, loading and transporting materials, and for electricity generation at our iron ore operations.
Equipment operated on our sites is fitted with diesel particulate filters and regularly maintained to limit air emissions.
As part of our strategic vision to reduce our reliance on diesel fuel, we operate a pipeline natural gas fired power station at Wodgina. Construction of the gas pipeline is underway, which will enable gas power generation to be the primary electricity source at Ken’s Bore and Onslow Port.
We currently have two operational renewable power generation sites – Wonmunna solar and Lucky Bay wind farm. Refer to Emissions Reduction Initiatives for further information.
Refer to the 2024 Sustainability Report for additional information on our decarbonisation strategy.