MIN | $53.67 (3.47%)
MIN | $53.67 (3.47%)

Gas production

MinRes aims to integrate lower-emission and renewable energy solutions across our operations, including using natural gas to drive the company’s pathway towards a more cost-effective and cleaner energy future. 

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Red Gully Processing Facility

Our Red Gully gas processing facility is located in GinGin and is a 10TJ per day capacity facility.

Subject to gas success in the southern Perth Basin, the facility is ready to be brought back into production to support the domestic gas market.

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Lockyer Gas Project

Following the successful exploration of the Lockyer gas field, MinRes is progressing towards developing a conventional natural gas production facility to displace diesel in our business and support the needs of the domestic and international markets.

The Lockyer Gas Project proposes the extraction and processing of natural gas within MinRes’ exploration permits in the Mid-West region of Western Australia.

MinRes has commenced the engineering design and approval works for the facility.

Lockyer Gas Plant

The Lockyer Gas Plant has been designed to be highly modularised to minimise onsite construction time and cost. There will be minimal underground cabling as the modules will incorporate most of the plant’s cabling. The plant will also incorporate features which will allow it to process gas from additional potential reserves, including H2S adsorbent beds and an acid gas removal system which can be flexed to process treat a range of gas specifications.

Future inlet compression and hub compression will also ensure the capacity of the facility is always maintained at nameplate over the life of the field.

Proposed designs

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Proposed design of Lockyer Processing Facility.
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Proposed resort-style accommodation village.

The Lockyer Gas Project will collect natural gas from conventional gas wells and direct it via a pipeline to a central processing facility for treatment.

The final gas product will be routed via an export pipeline to the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline for use in other MinRes operations or sales.

Final Investment Decision for the project is expected in the first quarter of FY25, which will confirm the production scale of the facility.

Combined with a significant investment in renewable energy, natural gas supports our efforts to reduce operational carbon emissions.

For further information please refer to frequently asked questions below.

Frequently asked questions

What is MinRes’ current gas exploration activity?

MinRes is actively exploring for gas across the onshore northern Perth Basin, including a current multi well drilling program in the Mid West region of Western Australia. One new survey is planned in Mingenew and two have been recently completed in the Dandaragan region.

MinRes is also the largest acreage holder in the onshore Carnarvon Basin and has begun planning exploration activities within permits in the Onslow area. We are finalising approvals for new seismic in 2H24 and land access discussions are well advanced.

What is the Lockyer Conventional Gas Project?

The proposed Lockyer Conventional Gas Project comprises the conventional extraction and processing of natural gas within MinRes’ exploration permits EP-368 and EP-426 in the Mid West region of Western Australia. The project will collect natural gas from conventional wells and transport via gas gathering lines to a central processing facility. Processed gas will then be transported via an export pipeline to the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline (DBNGP) to support MinRes operations and for sale.

What is MinRes going to use gas for?

MinRes is pursuing opportunities to displace diesel for power generation. Natural gas will play an important role as a lower emission baseload transition fuel, ensuring stable power supply to our operations while we advance our efforts to adopt renewable energy technologies to further reduce our emissions and meet our decarbonisation targets.

MinRes is investigating opportunities for gas to support downstream projects, including methanol and urea production, and options to supply natural gas to the domestic market in Western Australia. Subject to Western Australian Government agreement, MinRes will also explore the potential partial export of liquefied natural gas (LNG) when the domestic market does not require all of MinRes’ gas.

Is MinRes planning to build a gas central processing facility?

Following successful exploration and appraisal of the Lockyer gas field, MinRes is progressing plans to develop a central gas processing facility and associated conventional gas extraction wells and pipelines. In December 2023, MinRes applied for Development Approval to the State Development Assessment Unit at the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. A final investment decision and receipt of all required approvals for the project is pending.

Where would the processing facility be located?

The proposed central processing facility will be located within MinRes’ exploration permit (EP) 368 and EP 426, approximately 312km north of Perth, 25km east of Dongara and 15km west of Mingenew. The proposed location is on previously cleared broadscale agricultural pasture lands.

What is the proposed size of the central processing facility?

The proposed central processing facility would have a production capacity of up to 250 terajoules per day of natural gas, subject to Western Australian Government agreement regarding partial export capability.

How are environmental impacts being managed?

MinRes has undertaken a comprehensive environmental impact assessment and referred the proposed Lockyer Conventional Gas Project to the Environmental Protection Authority for consideration.

In February 2024 MinRes referred the proposed Lockyer Conventional Gas Project to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) under the EPA Pt IV application for consideration. In April 2024, the EPA decision was that the likely environmental effects of the proposal are not so significant as to warrant formal assessment due to the detailed designs and strategies to minimise and mitigate impacts on environmental factors. The proposal is mostly located within a previously disturbed area and the native vegetation is in a degraded condition, and scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions are below the 100,000 CO2-e per annum threshold. Potential impacts of the proposal can be adequately managed through the implementation of the proposal in accordance with the referral documentation and the proponent's management and mitigation measures.

What is the proposed construction timeline for the processing facility?

Following receipt of all primary approvals, construction is expected to take between 12 to 18 months.

What will the size of the construction workforce be?

MinRes anticipates up to 350 people would support site activity during the construction phase.

What will the size of the operational workforce be?

Once commissioned and the central processing facility is operating, approximately 40 full-time site-based operational staff will be employed, with up to 20 people typically on site at any given time. Suitably qualified local residents will be prioritised for employment and local contractors will be used where available.

Where will the workforce be accommodated?

Both the construction and operational workforce would be accommodated on-site near the central processing facility. Some personnel may also live locally. MinRes plans to build a resort-style accommodation village near the central processing facility for the operational workforce.

Will the central processing facility create noise?

The central processing facility will be designed to meet occupational health noise exposure limits and environmental external receptor noise emission limits. Noise studies have been conducted for the central processing facility, with predicted noise levels at all sensitive receptors complying with regulatory limits.

Will the central processing facility create an odour?

MinRes anticipates any odours from the central processing facility are highly unlikely to impact areas outside the site. Odour during operations is not expected and is not typically associated with similar gas processing facilities.

Hydrocarbon gas and liquids processed by the Lockyer central processing facility facilities are fully contained within enclosed piping and vessels. The drainage system is designed to contain any spills in the immediate vicinity to allow immediate clean up.

Wastewater from the facility will be routed to evaporation ponds for disposal. Some local odours may be experienced occasionally from the evaporation ponds; however, the process wastewater will be highly treated to remove hydrocarbons prior to discharge, minimising this risk.

Sewage and grey water will be treated in a health department approved sewage treatment system.

At the wellheads, all gas and chemical injection systems are fully enclosed in suitably rated piping or vessels, and there are no continuous releases to the environment. Wellhead facilities are powered via a combination of solar with batteries and pressurised air.

What is the expected visual impact?

Preliminary planning for a gas processing facility includes a visual impact assessment prepared by Ecological Australia. This assessment comprises a viewshed analysis and site assessment to determine the visual impact of the proposed development on the existing views from the surrounding landscape. Preliminary analysis indicates that while parts of the proposed development may be visible at a distance from certain locations, existing vegetation and topography shields the view of the bulk of the development.

How are the pipelines installed?

The pipelines between gas wells, the central processing facility and the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline will be buried in trenches at least one metre below the ground surface. Pipeline routes have been selected in consultation with landholders and will be positioned along fence lines and existing tracks. 

What is the impact on local roads during pipeline construction?

MinRes anticipates impacts to local roads would be minimal. Horizontal directional drilling would be used to traverse under Midlands Road, the existing railway line, and the Irwin and Lockier rivers.

Will MinRes undertake hydraulic fracturing (fracking)?

MinRes’ gas development program does not undertake any fracking, instead targeting excellent conventional gas sandstone reservoirs. No additional stimulation of these reservoirs by fracking is required.

Will MinRes clear native vegetation for the gas facility?

The Lockyer development project team has worked hard to ensure the project has low environmental impact. where possible, previously cleared agricultural land will be utilised.

During the construction phase of the Lockyer facilities, only minor areas of native vegetation necessary for operational use will be cleared. The majority of these areas have been assessed as being in a degraded state. Appropriate approvals such as a Native Vegetation Clearing Permit will be obtained where necessary.

What will the impact on air quality be?

Air dispersion modelling from the proposed operations was undertaken to assess the potential air quality impacts of atmospheric emissions from the project. The modelling predicted cumulative ground level concentrations for all air pollutants will be below the corresponding ambient air quality and workplace exposure standard criteria across all sensitive receptor locations.

What stakeholder and community engagement has been conducted?

Ongoing community engagement is being undertaken with all stakeholders identified within the Lockyer Project footprint. MinRes has a dedicated community engagement department, supporting ongoing dialogue with external stakeholders including relevant landholders, community groups, local governments and Native Title groups. These relationships are well progressed, with project updates provided and negotiation of required approvals and agreements under way.

How will MinRes contribute to the local community?

MinRes is proud to support the communities in which we operate, including across the Mid West region. The MinRes Community Grants program is available to local organisations and associations, offering up to $10,000 to support community programs and events. Applications open quarterly, with more information available on the MinRes website

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