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“I’m Riding for my Grandpa” – Rebecca Alexander, Health and Wellbeing Advisor

Like most of our 57 riders, Rebecca from our Koolyanobbing site has a cancer story that has inspired her to ride in this weekend’s Cancer 200 Ride for Research.

Unfortunately, Rebecca lost her grandpa to bowel cancer and her father was affected by prostate cancer.

After hearing about the 200km ride in 2021, Rebecca was convinced to sign up in 2022 and take on the challenge. She has also recruited some of her fellow site workers to join the team!

“Most of the Yilgarn team are used to throwing weights around in the gym, so tackling a 200km bike ride will definitely be a challenge that we are excited to tackle,” she said.

The Yilgarn team have been getting in the spirit, recently holding a ride-a-thon at the village tavern.

Three spin bikes were set up and team members rode for an hour to encourage donations and bring awareness to the cause, helping Team MinRes smash their fundraising goal!

Rebecca and the Yilgarn riders have all been very supportive during training and fundraising, encouraging everyone to mix up their training and put some kilometres on the spin bike.

“I’m looking forward to taking on the ride with my MinRes team mates in what sounds like a weekend full of camaraderie, positivity and a little bit of competition!”

With over $395,000 raised so far, all funds will go to the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research.

To make a contribution head over the Team MinRes page →