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Wrapping up Reconciliation Week with Shooting Stars

Published on 09 June 2023

Mineral Resources (MinRes) has concluded Reconciliation Week by welcoming 23 Shooting Stars participants and 10 staff to the company’s Osborne Park head office as part of the organisation’s annual Senior Leadership Camp.

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Shooting Stars is an education engagement program for Aboriginal girls and young women, working in schools across metro, regional and remote WA and SA. The program supports participants to strengthen their confidence and cultural identity, while promoting overall health and wellbeing and cultivating positive attitudes towards school.

The Shooting Stars Senior Leadership Camp provides participants in Years 10-12 the opportunity to travel to Perth for a week to participate in leadership challenges and development sessions. Participants also learn about options available to them post-Year 12.

Camp activities are primarily hosted by Shooting Stars but their corporate partners are often invited to deliver bespoke sessions throughout the week.

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This year, MinRes was proud to showcase the state-of-the-art facilities at 20 Walters Drive and host information sessions delivered by General Manager Health and Wellbeing Jon Haines, Head of Psychology Chris Harris, Principal Native Title and proud Ngarluma and Yindjibarndi woman Abbey Shillingford, and Manager Organisational Development Glenda Monteiro.

The group was treated to lunch by MinRes Head Chef Benny Suwarno and finished the afternoon with a boxing and functional fitness session at MinRes’ Next Level gym, run by Courtney Devine, Charlotte Andriessen and Imogen Young.

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Shooting Stars Pathways Coordinator Rokiyah Bin Swani said the Senior Leadership Camp aims to expose students to new opportunities and build their confidence to pursue career goals after graduating from school.

“The team at MinRes engaged the Shooting Stars students through a variety of workshops and activities, helping break down barriers and preconceived ideas the students had about working in a large corporate organisation,” Rokiyah said.

“It was amazing to see the girls constantly asking questions and showing genuine interest throughout the whole afternoon.”

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Lakkari, who is in Year 10 at Narrogin Senior High School, said she enjoyed the visit.

“MinRes highlighted how they place importance on the health and wellbeing of their employees,” she said.

“We heard from an Aboriginal lawyer in Native Title and it inspired me to want to study law in the future.”

Kelish, a Year 11 student at Fitzroy Valley District High School, said her favourite part of the day was the gym session.

“The instructors pushed us to challenge ourselves. It was tiring but lots of fun and I felt confident throughout the activities,” Kelish said.

MinRes Stakeholder Engagement Manager Daniel Barker facilitated the afternoon’s sessions and was impressed with the confidence, maturity and energy of the group.

“Shooting Stars is empowering incredible young female leaders through the program. It was a privilege to be able to host them and be a part of their journey here at 20 Walters Drive,” Daniel said.

“We’re proud to support Shooting Stars and look forward to engaging with young Aboriginal girls and women coming through the program in the future.”

Learn more about Shooting Stars here.


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